
Students of M.E. Lewis Elementary School have been challenged to participate in the 2023 SWCD

Greensboro, GA, August 09, 2023—The Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), a local agency dedicated to the conservation and stewardship of the area’s natural resources, is now accepting entries for their Poster Contest for students located within the District’s service area. The service area includes Morgan, Greene, Taliaferro, Putnam, Hancock, Baldwin, and Jones Counties. Education is a critical element of the conservation effort at the local, state and national levels. Educating young people about the benefits of conservation helps to ensure the next generation will be wise stewards of America’s natural resources.

The annual Poster Contest provides public, private and home-schooled students in 3rd thru 5th grades the chance to have their art selected to advance on to the state contest. Prizes will be awarded for the top three winners. Each year, the poster topic reflects the National Association of Conservation District's annual Stewardship theme and highlights the work of Conservation Districts to protect and enhance natural resources. This year’s theme “One Water” focuses on watersheds. The deadline to enter the contest is August 31, 2023.

The Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District is a unit of the state government that directs natural resource management programs in Morgan, Greene, Taliaferro, Putnam, Hancock, Baldwin, and Jones Counties. The Conservation District works with farmers, landowners, and with other units of government to educate and actively promote programs and practices that support the conservation, and use and development of soil, water, and related resources. 

More information can be found at

The Deadline for all entries will be Monday, August 28, 2023!  Information can be retrieved from your child's homeroom teacher!